The primary objective of this project revolves around the manipulation of proteins in E. coli, focusing on the expression and purification of various recombinant proteins. The student will take care of the expression and purification of them, as well as of the labelled expression with stable isotopes such as 2H, 13C, and 15N for subsequent NMR spectroscopy studies. Moreover, the student will focus on the derivatization of the produced proteins with sugars generated within the consortium.
This comprehensive approach will generate multiple outcomes as the successful creation of tailor-made glycosylated and labeled proteins, poised for intricate NMR studies in collaboration within the ENSCC consortium.
The planned secondments, at UNIFI and UU, are designed to enhance the student’s synthetic experience in crafting Carbohydrate-Binding Modules (CBMs), reinforcing the interdisciplinary approach crucial for the success of the project.
Information about the related PhD position and how to apply are available here.